Past activities

Throughout its history, the Department of Japanese Philosophy organized different events in order to disseminate Japanese thought and the research work of the members of the department.

Likewise, in these years the department has been able to establish cooperation and exchange links with different international institutions, resulting in jointly organized activities.

For a detailed list of these events, please visit the Japanese site. Here we offer only a small selection as an example of the events organized over the years.

-IAJP Conference 2021:95 Years after the Birth of Nishida Philosophy-‘Basho’ as Symbiosis of Non-Human and Human

-Nishida and Tanabe Memorial Lecture

-“Reconceptualizing Dignity from the Perspective of Tetsuro Watsuji.”

Professor John Maraldo
Date and Time Monday, June 4, 2018 at 4:30 p.m.

-Koichi Sugimoto Memorial Symposium: “Philosophy” and “Religion”




-Dialogue: “The View of Nature in the Japanese Archipelago”

The “Lecture and Symposium in Commemoration of the 2018 International Cosmos Prize and the 10th Anniversary of the KYOTO Global Environment Hall of Fame” was held on Sunday, October 21, 2018.


-Workshop on November 29, 2018: “Alternatives to the Study of Japanese Philosophy”

The 2nd Conference of the Asian Association for Women Philosophers (AAWP)開催のお知らせ

◆Date: August 22-24, 2
◆Venue: International Science Innovation Building at Kyoto University, Symposium Hall (5F).